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dimanche 25 février 2024

Puisque tu es Partie (Since you left) A tribute to 🌵Françoise Cactus🌵

I want to release the album on CD May 5th 2024 (her Birthday). It will be downloadable on Bandcamp .You can also order directly by sending an e mail here: marquisdecoconut@hotmail.com

This is about an album I want to put out, a tribute to my former bandmate and best friend forever Françoise Cactus. Right after Françoise's death, february 17th 2022, I  had a very emotianal talk with her longtime partner Brezel Göring and at one point he asked me if I wanted to have  this '73 Fender Stratocaster, that I had given her years ago, in memory of her. Since it was a gift it seemed not right to me to take it back. Nevertheless, I remembered one of her guitars that she owned when I met her for the first time 1981 in Berlin, a  Framus acoustic guitar. Brezel promised to keep this guitar for me and finally gave it to me as we met summer 2023 in Paris.Then came to me the idea of ​​recording several songs with Françoise's guitar which I would now like to release on a tribute album. 


Françoise Framus Guitar

Berlin Kreuzberg1986
Port A Piment 2024

About the Trax

Puisque tu t'en vas is a song I wrote in 10 minutes only having a mind to create a song wich would sound very much like our band Lolitas talking about how I feel after her loss. 

D'une Rive à l'autre, a song written by Jacno who had callaborated with Françoise and Stereo Total before on at least two great Songs: Mars Rendez Vous and Le Sport
I'm very grateful to Suzanne Landier for her support on vocals  for making  this Track sound great !
Suzanne Landier

Liberté ou la Mort, I really don't know what else I've could have done except Rock'N'Roll.
When I left France I moved to Berlin decided to form a Rock'N'Roll band with my girlfriend. This is what I did with Françoise, it then led me to the Americas. Special thanks to my friend B.Roy for playing his accordion.
B.Roy pic by Coco ©2023

Lipstick Traces, a song outta New Orleans written by Allen Toussaint for Benny Spellman.
Françoise was a big smoker and I saw a lot of her lipstick traces in an ashtray when we lived together in Berlin.

L'Anarchie pour l'UK. I allways found the french version on accordion of Sex Pistols Anarchy in ythe UK hilarious, I just had to do it on Françoise Guitar. We both listened to the Pistols a lot.

Dead or Alive, this one is from my very favourite guitarist and Songwriter Johnny Thunders. I'm very happy to have Lorette Velvette on the Backing Vocals on this one, I met Lorette a long time ago, back in the spring 1992 wheni was hanging out the former Hellcats in Memphis,TN.She didn't hesitate for a second when I asked her to please do a vocal on this track. Many Thanks !
Coco & Lorette Velvette 1992 in Memphis

I $old My $oul for Rock'N'Roll, No comment.clearly Françoise devoted her life to music, writing, drawing and even crochet

The Letter refers to our comon friend Alex Chilton who I know really apreciated Françoise, I remember the great times we spent at Alex in New Orleans as we recorded a couple of songs together wich were released on Stereo totals debut album: Oh Ah. I remember also One day when Alex had a phone call and was asked for Box Top revival show, it sure payed pretty good but other than that, he wasn't really delighted playing this kind of shows so he asked me, by joke, if I knew how to sing The Letter in order to replace him. Remembering this I tried to sing the Letter, a song I actually never liked,and I do really like mine better than the Box Top's
Alex Chilton & Coco Nut 2005 in Paris 
pic by Patrick Mathé
Cayenne,  an anarchist song often sung in the prisons of Guyana, I have only covered 3 verses which I can relate to the most. The idea covering this song came from B.Roy, who encouraged me to take this title into my repertoire for its usually a scorcher when he sings it bars.

Wenn ich ein Mädchen wär', originally Wenn ich ein Junge wär'a pop song first sang by italian Singer Rita Pavone, covered and well known by Nina Hagen. Stereo Total also did their cover version. Françoise sang a lot in German since she lived in Berlin and that there was nothing more normal for her than to also sing in Germany with her french accent.
It's the first time on my side that I dare to sing in German

Ghostrider. I love to sing this Suicide/Alan Vega song live. Even with an acoustic guitar, the song has plenty energy.

Le Malheur C'est Moi. A song I wrote in 1987 in which I feel like a black cat who has no place in this world

Mesi Bondye, a Haitian traditional featuring Tcheita Vital with me on the vocals. Tcheita is a Haitian journalist who is dedicated to Haitian culture and is running a web Radio I highly recomand: Haïti Inter
Tcheita Vital

La Fiancée du Pirate: I really wrote this song for François and was first released on Lolitas first album back in 1986. Of course influenced by Nelly Kaplan's movie of the same title,it's how I wanted my bride to be: free, bold and wild !

Touche Moi, we wrote this song together and was the favourite for many Lolitas fans.
The lyrics have now a a very strong meaning to me and it's hard not havinge my best friend I ever had anymore.

Coco & Françoise pic by Christian Schulz

Drawing by ©oco

The CD
100 copys limited edition


Puisque tu es Partie

D'une rive à l'autre

Liberté ou la Mort

Lipstick Traces

L'anarchie pour l'UK

Dead Or Alive

I $old my Soul for Rock'N'Roll

The Letter


Wenn ich ein Mädchen Wär'


Le Malheur c'est moi

Mesi Bondye

La Fiancée du Pirate

Touche Moi

After the release of the album

French music Magazine Rock& Folk
July 2024

JULY  2024

French musician Jean Pierre  Poulain  with his french version of the Box Top Hit "The Letter" 
offered me to sing on my interpretation and also made this great video featuring myself as a french cop !

LA LETTRE (Jean-Pierre Poulin & Marquis de Coco Nut)

mardi 14 novembre 2023

Exposition Marquis de Coco Nut et Darline Nut$


Marquis de Coco Nut et Darline Nut$

(Peinture Rock'N'Roll)

Du 1er décembre au 31 décembre 2023


 Jeudi 30 Novembre 2023 19h30


La Grande Ourse

39 Rue du Dr Bretonneau, 37000 Tours

Horaires : Mardi au Samedi 11:00h - 22:00h

Renseignements :0667196313



samedi 12 novembre 2022



It was Through Johnny Thunders that I came across New Rose Records.
I had bought 2 records of Johnny when I was a kid and lived in Paris: "So Alone" and Live @ Max's kansas city with the Heartbreakers.
Later 1983, living yet in West-Berlin, I got two other records of Johnny: In Cold Blood and Hurt Me.
This was the first time I saw the New Rose Record Label.
I discovered that the New Rose Label was based in Paris and started following it.
1986 when I recorded the first Lolitas Record in Hamburg, Germany for the German label "What's so Funny About".
Owner Alfred Hilsberg. suggested us to find a French Label or distribution since Lolitas had mainly french Lyrics.
Hilsberg gave us 2 contacts wich came to nothing.
I suggested New Rosen but Hilsberg turned the Idea down thinking New Rose was to Big for us.
Nevertheless while I came to Paris with Françoise Cactus we went to the the New Rose Record store, 7 rue Pierre Sarrazin.
We didn't know anybody from the Label, so we just gave a copy of our record to the clerc with a note tha we wer looking for a Label in France.
Much to our surprise we had a phone call the Next day by one of the 2 New Rose Label owner: Patrick Mathé.
Patrick Mathé pic by Alain Duplantier

As we told Patrick Mathé that we wer in Paris, he told us to come by at his office wich was right above the Record store.That was the very first time I met Patrick Mathé and he began telling us his story wich sounded pretty much like a fairy tale to us.
As matter of fact Patrick just got back from a trip in the US and had rented a car to travel a bit. On this trip he had a tape, compiled by a friend of his, with a compilation of various bands including one of our songs "Touche Moi".
Patrick thought he'd knew all french bands in the music business and couldn't believe, so he told us, that he didn't know who this band was.
Patrick loved the song and when he eventually discovered that it was us, it was obvious to him that we had to work together 
It was allready during this first meeting that Patrick told us he had in mind to put us in touch with Alex Chilton (also signed on New Rose).
Our first record would be licensed by New Rose, but Patrick didn't want the Cover on What's so Funny About wich was the reason why it came out in France with a different cover.

What can I say about my experience with New Rose?
First of all, I think Patrick Mathé was a fan of Lolitas
and Françoise Cactus, probably less of me.
He also affirmed it in an interview given for Chronic'art: rock-us/)
I owe Patrick a lot for having known Alex Chilton and Chris Spedding.
Paris 2005 (pic by Patrick Mathé)
New York 1990 (Pic by Françoise Cactus)
I maintained a sincere friendship with Alex until it's death (actually until the very end since I had a phone call with him a couple of hours before he died).I unfortunalately lost track of Chris.The recordings of our album “Bouche Baisé” in New York remain unforgetable memories. To me Chris is a Gentleman, a very talented musician,very humble man and if his career is impressive, he would have deserved , I find, much more recognition. Professionalwise, I found New Rose very unprofessional.I never saw a single count of the sales of our records for intance, nothing very sensational in show business. What also bugged me was the lack of consideration of their artists. Patrick sent us to Berlin a french photographer: Alain Duplantier who was supposed to make shootings in order to create a cover for our album "Fusée d'Amour", graphics was supported by P. Huart and P. Cholley who did most of the New Rose Record covers. The Problem is that I really didn't like the cover of "Fusée d'Amour" and I never was asked for if I like it or not.I did the graphics and artwork for the germann Label "Vielklang" and liked a lot better. For having talked to Peggy O'Neil from the Gories, the same happened to them with their record "I know you fine, but how you doin'"  (also produced by Alex Chilton), the Gories where pissed and horrified about their record cover too. And Last not leastn when Partick Mathé reissued on Last Call records "New York Memphis", my drawing was used our should I say misused (since the bottom of the drawing wast just cut away).Of course I never got a dime for it. I know, this is usual in Music business and I have no resentment or regrets.Likewise I liked much better the original cover of "Fire of Love" from Gun Club than the one issued by New Rose. The same shit goes on as  I heard summer 2022 that a Book "Replay New Rose for me" had to be released, of course nobody told me about it and I have even less received a copy while there are several pics of me in this book ! 
Nevertheless, great record label with great bands, and of course I 'm grateful for being a part of the story.

Fusee d'amour on NEW ROSE


Fusée d'amour on VIELKLANG